Winged eyeliner and a bold lip are two of my go-to looks. |
I didn't get into makeup until the end of high school. From that point on, I became quickly obsessed. Of course, my entry into the world of makeup also introduced me to skincare and general beauty practices. Over the years, I've learned what works for my skin and what doesn't. As I get further into my twenties, I want to prioritize good skin habits that will help me in the years to come. Here are a few of my tried and true beauty rules. Obviously, what works for me may not work for others. Overall though, I think these are good tips for everyone to follow.
1. Drink lots of water!
I know that I didn't drink nearly enough water in high school. In fact, it wasn't until my senior year of college that I began to focus on getting enough water in each day. Now, I make sure to hydrate regularly. Not only does it keep away headaches and help me to feel energized, but it is good for digestion and skin too. My skin used to get really dry during the winter. Since drinking water regularly, I've noticed that my skin stays normal even in the colder months.
2. Remove your makeup before bed.
This is something I've always been good about doing, mostly because I don't like the idea of mascara stains on my pillow. Beyond that, washing your face every night gets the chemicals off your skin and helps your pores to breathe at night. I am lucky enough to be pimple free the majority of the time, and I think washing my face every night that I wear makeup has a LOT to do with it.
3. Be gentle with your skin.
I think this idea can get overlooked easily. When I have a breakout, my first impulse is to do whatever it takes to get rid of it. I've learned to ignore this in favor of more natural and less drastic methods. For instance, I try my best not to pop my pimples (although sometimes I succumb). I also use natural face washes and gentle exfoliants so as not to overwhelm my skin. When it comes to face care, my motto is "gentle is better."
4. Moisturize.
This one is a must for me. I start my beauty routine every morning with some sort of lotion or face oil. Moisture is so important. It keeps your skin soft and hydrated. As I mentioned in
this post, I use a variety of moisturizers, from standard lotions to hydrating gels and eye creams.
5. Experiment with your look.
Your twenties are the perfect time to figure out what makeup works for your face and your style. One of the best parts of makeup for me is that it allows me to switch up my look according to my outfit and my mood. I love having fun with different colors and products. I'll wear a
bold red lip one day and a
strong winged eye the next day. Of course, I've also learned what doesn't work for me. For instance, you'll probably never catch me with a baby pink lip, simply because it doesn't look great with my skin tone. I will never wear a heavy coverage foundation either, since I prefer natural coverage to a full-on face.
Do you follow any of these tips? Do you have any others you would add to this list? Let me know in the comments!